USB Setup For Microsoft Windows 7®

USB Setup For Microsoft Windows 7®

  1. On the Windows desktop, click on the Windows Start Menu icon  and select ‘Control Panel’ from the menu.
  2. Click on ‘Hardware and Sound’.


  3. Click on ‘Manage audio devices’ in the ‘Sound’ menu.


  4. On the ‘Playback’ tab, select the ‘SPDIF Interface’ option and click on the ‘Set Default’ button. The green checkmark should now be next to the SPDIF Interface icon.


  5. Click on the ‘Properties’ button.
  6. In the ‘SPDIF Interface Properties’ window, click on the ‘Supported Formats’ tab.
  7. Select all of the Encoded Formats and all of the Sample Rates.


  8. Click ‘OK’. This will close out the window.
  9. Click ‘OK’ in the ‘Sound’ window to complete the setup.

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